
The Enramá in Pinofranqueado

Young men and women from Pinofranqueado find a partner at the end of August. Declared a Festivity of Tourist Interest in Extremadura

  1. Explore
  2. La Enramá

A fiesta of the heart

Location and Contact:

Pinofranqueado , Cáceres (Extremadura)
  • Young men and women from Pinofranqueado find a partner at the end of August. Declared a Festivity of Tourist Interest in Extremadura

    Every year around St. Bartholomew's Day, the young men and women from this town are paired up by a draw to encourage future relationships.

    The young men attend the draw held on the eve of San Bertol at the tower where the “cantaol” draws out the names on pieces of paper shouting as he does so "to whom I say", and responding "with to whom I will say", followed by stating the name of the young man or woman drawn. The couples are formed in this way, and things must “go well” for any one of them to receive definitive approval.

    The young men then prepare themselves to serenade the girl they have drawn on Saint Bartholomew's Day, when to the rhythm of the drum they will go in search of her. The girl places the "enramá" (a small bunch of flowers) in the young man's lapel. Later on, all the couples will get together in the town square to dance the "arch jota", in which the interlinked arms of the couples form an arch under which they pass one after the other until having completed a full turn around the church. The day ends with a street concert.

  • Type:
  • Tourist Interest in Extremadura
  • Event subject:
  • Popular traditions
  • Start date:
    End date:


    • Events

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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