Art and culture 

Medina de las Torres Castle

On a low Badajoz hilltop stand the ruins of the Medina de las Torres Castle, built by the Order of Santiago in the 14th century.

Location and Contact:

Medina de las Torres , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • On a low Badajoz hilltop stand the ruins of the Medina de las Torres Castle, built by the Order of Santiago in the 14th century.

    The origins of the Medina de las Torres Castle data back to the 14th-16th centuries. It was built on a low hilltop by the Order of Santiago in the 14th century as the headquarters of the Encomienda de Medina de las Torres.

    In spite of having been restored on a number of occasions, this fortress is in quite a deteriorated condition. Even so, you can still appreciate the remains of the masonry ramparts, with a ditch and towers at the sides for the defence of this elliptically shaped castle. The entrance is on the southeast side, protected by two square towers. The main access to the interior was flanked by one circular tower and another which was semicircular. In this area there were storerooms, stables and a chapel, as well as a water cistern.

  • Origin:
  • 14th century
  • 16th century
  • Construction:
  • Castle
  • Art period:
  • Gothic
  • Period in history:
  • Various periods
  • Various styles


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