Art and culture 

Roman arch of Trajan

This arch was erected as part of the structure providing entry to a temple for imperial worship It is now the only one left of the three that existed formerly.

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  2. Roman arch of Trajan

Remains of a monumental gateway

Location and Contact:

Calle Trajano
06800 Mérida , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • This arch was erected as part of the structure providing entry to a temple for imperial worship It is now the only one left of the three that existed formerly.

    In the town of Mérida there stands a colossal Roman arch which had the function of an access gate to an enormous temple for imperial worship.

    The doorway was comprised of three arches, the central one of which remains, rising 15 metres up from the piles. The structure was made of granite ashlars.

    Nowadays one can see the arch without its gate and marble cladding. And the inscriptions that it once displayed have been erased by the passage of time. It was located on the cardo maximus, the road that crossed the city from north to south, and where the paving of the forum or public square began.



  • Origin:
  • Romanisation (AD)
  • Construction:
  • Arch
  • Art period:
  • Romanisation
  • Period in history:
  • Romanisation


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