
Zafra Holy Week

The beautiful monuments of the city are the backdrop to the processions organized by the 8 hermandades (brotherhoods) to hold their processions.

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  2. Semana Santa de Zafra

Semana Santa de Zafra

Location and Contact:

06300 Zafra , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • The beautiful monuments of the city are the backdrop to the processions organized by the 8 hermandades (brotherhoods) to hold their processions.

    Holy Week is one of Zafra’s greatest tourist attractions, also famous for its Livestock Fair dating back to the 15th century, and the ‘De la luna al fuego’ festival, a reenactment of the Spanish Golden Age, period of splendour for the town due to its relationship with the Duchy of Feria.

    During Holy Week, about 6,000 members of the 8 hermandades in Zafra (Oración en el Huerto, Rescate, Jesús Amarrado a la Columna, Humildad y Paciencia, Jesús Nazareno, Silencio, Santo Entierro and Soledad) represent the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ through the streets of this beautiful monumental town.

    Among the 10 processions held in Zafra, in which 3,000 nazarenos (penitents) participate, we must highlight those of Cristo de la Humildad y Paciencia, el Miércoles Santo, and that of Cristo de la Cofradía del Silencio, in the early hours of Good Friday, the most spectacular moment being when it passes through Arco del Cubo.

    The incorporation of young people in the Junta Superior de Cofradías (Board of Brotherhoods) and the participation of costaleros (float bearers) in all processions have given fresh impetus to the Zafra Holy Week in recent years.

    *Photos of Zafra Holy Week by courtesy of the Junta Superior de Cofradías and sent by the Tourist Office.

  • Type:
  • Event
  • Tourist Interest in Extremadura
  • Event subject:
  • Religion
  • Popular traditions
  • Start date:
    End date:


    • Events

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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