Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
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Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
Extremadura pone a tu disposición una amplia variedad de alojamientos entre los que se encuentran, entre otros, hoteles, casas rurales, apartamentos, campings y albergues.
Espacios que harán que tu estancia en esta tierra sea perfecta, ya que además algunos de ellos son edificios históricos o con encanto, situados en enclaves únicos.
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More suggestions
Jarramplas de Piornal Museum
Piornal has dedicated this museum to its most important festival: El Jarramplas, declared of National Tourist Interest and held every year from 19th-20th January.
This natural swimming pool is located close to Navaconcejo and is imbued with the beauty of the Jerte Valley, making it a fabulous area for bathing.
The Temblar chestnut trees
This natural space consists of five ancient chestnut trees on an old farm close to Arroyo del Temblar
The Acarreadero oak tree
The Romanejo oak tree has been awarded the title of a Unique Tree because of its imposing stature and the awesome volume of its canopy
Los Realengos Chestnut Tree
Unlike other specimens of chestnut tree, this one continues to be one of the least-studied in Sierra de San Bernabé.
The Chestnut Tree of El Corbiche or La Marotera
This monumental chestnut tree sheltered the inhabitants of Casas del Monte after the Napoleonic troops burned down the town.
The Chestnut Trees of Escondelobo or Condelobo
Due to the circumference of their trunks, these two specimens are considered to be the largest in Extremadura and in Spain.
Segura de Toro
Villar de Plasencia