Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
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Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
Extremadura pone a tu disposición una amplia variedad de alojamientos entre los que se encuentran, entre otros, hoteles, casas rurales, apartamentos, campings y albergues.
Espacios que harán que tu estancia en esta tierra sea perfecta, ya que además algunos de ellos son edificios históricos o con encanto, situados en enclaves únicos.
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Parish Church of Santiago Apóstol
The Parish Church of Santiago Apóstol in Belvís de Monroy in Cáceres is the oldest religious building remaining in the town.
Franciscan Convent of Belvís de Monroy
The convent was built between 1505 and 1507 thanks to the benevolence of the bishop of Plasencia and the fact that three Franciscan monks needed to inhabit it.
Castle of Almaraz
Declared a historical Spanish heritage site, the only original part of this castle to be preserved is the keep.
Belvís de Monroy Castle
Belvís de Monroy Castle in Cáceres, with its unusual style, has been declared a Spanish cultural heritage site.
Church of San Pedro Ad Víncula
Its rose window and doors make this church very valuable and beautiful.
Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla de Belvís De Monroy Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds
The area attracts kestrels throughout the year, especially in the breeding season.
Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla de Saucedilla Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds
The area attracts kestrels throughout the year, especially in the breeding season.
Arrocampo Ornithological Park
This enclave in Saucedilla is an absolute must for nature lovers, and in particular for birdwatching enthusiasts.
Casatejada lies in the district of Campo Arañuelo in the province of Cáceres, along the EX-A1 motorway, which joins Plasencia to Navamoral de la Mata.