Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
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Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
Extremadura pone a tu disposición una amplia variedad de alojamientos entre los que se encuentran, entre otros, hoteles, casas rurales, apartamentos, campings y albergues.
Espacios que harán que tu estancia en esta tierra sea perfecta, ya que además algunos de ellos son edificios históricos o con encanto, situados en enclaves únicos.
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More suggestions
Galisteo Mudéjar Apse
This construction is remarkable in that it reveals the first strokes of the Gothic style which would mark the rest of Europe.
Galisteo medieval bridge
Manrique Lara had this famous bridge built in Galisteo.
Galisteo Castle
This castle is made up of a tower, on the top of which there is a pyramidal bell tower which gets the attention of all its visitors.
Castle of Grimaldo
Discover the legends hidden behind its walls, including the story of Rodrigo Calderón.
Mirabel Castle
The Mirabel Castle stands on a strategic point from which neighbouring towns can be controlled.
Cerro Tomillar
Este lugar, declarado Parque Periurbano de Conservación y Ocio en 2021, destaca por su riqueza botánica.
The walls surrounding the town of Galisteo, in the province of Cáceres, attest to its strategic location. Many different people set eyes on this town over the centuries and have left many monuments and remains.